Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Internal Arugment

Most of the time I am my own worst Enemy. I do more damage than any outside party. For example twice this week I was supposed to get up & work out, but I didnt b/c i wanted to sleep. This may seem reasonable if I had gone to bed late....or sheer exhaustion, but laziness is not acceptable. Furthermore, when I am lazy & want to sleep in I typically am cranky during the day, overeat & am generally tired/miserable. Why! Why would I ever hit snooze instead of getting up when I am almost certain to have a bad day.

I wish I could understand why I try to set myself up to have a rotten day - - this does not make sense to me. Why do I fight myself along with any other battles I have going on.. This is my delema for day...... :(

If it is not obvious - I have had a bad week for exercising & eating.......

I was watching the biggest loser last night & a lot of the contestants, seem to have some other issue they are ignoring which is why they overeat. This got me to thinking.... Do I have some secret issue I am ignoring & trying to eat away??? I cannot come up with any glaring issues I am hiding from, but I will try to explore this a little further. Maybe I will uncover some secret something that I am avoiding?

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