Monday, June 8, 2015

Tracking Food: I'm eating my words already! (no pun intended!)

Ok, I started this (this, meaning the journey of getting healthy in the real world) saying I feel Claustrophobic when having to track all of my food.  And that no matter what I was NOT going to do it. 

However, I am forced to let the numbers speak for themselves (putting my college degree to work!).  It has been 5 weeks, I have worked out more, I have planned my food & still I have only lost 6 pounds.  Now, I am not dismissing this success, it is great!  I am just feeling that with the amount of work I have put into this I should be seeing more results. 

So my hypothesis is that I need to track my food.  I must be eating more that I think.  (I know I have been snacking more than I should!).
The only way I can think to watch  my food is to track it.
I tried it my way, it didn't work.  Since I am committed to getting healthy, I will admit my strategies may need some improvement.

So for one work week (Monday through Friday) I am going to track all of my food in my Fitbit app.  Just 5 days.  I can anything for 5 days right?
I figure there is little downside to this strategy.  (other than the pain in the ass to enter all my food).

I will learn something & have more data to help me see why I am not getting the results I want.

I will give myself a break from tracking on the weekend & then I will decide if I should track it again next week.

Life in the Green Room:

Friday, June 5, 2015

5 Reasons to Try Something New in your workout!

5 Reasons to Try Something New in your workout!  (Or if you haven't worked out in awhile - try a work out!)

  1. It pushed you out of your comfort zone!
  2. It builds your confidence!
  3. It will require planning, make a list of what you'd like to try & tackle them!
  4. It's healthy!
  5. You just might find something you love!

Try something new!  What's the worst that can happen?  And, you might find something you like to do.  I think trying something new can give you a breath of fresh air!  It allows you to try something different, it  may make you a little nervous, but this nervous feeling can be good for you.  

I went to Zumba in the Park last night & it was super fun.  Now, to be fair, I like Zumba & go once in awhile at the gym.  What was new/different was I went to this class in a park, in the middle of a restaurant complex, by myself!  I was out of the comfort zone of my gym.  It was fun to be in the fresh air & the park was packed!  I saw an advertisement that this was offered outside every Wednesday this summer.   I said I wanted to try it & luckily I was able to try it the first week.  This is great b/c now I know it is fun & I have the whole summer to attend again!

Some other things I would like to try again this summer is yoga and spinning.  I also want to think about some great outdoor activities to try!  Maybe after our move I can start to ride my bike again (it has literally been a few years)!

Leave a comment: what will you try new this summer?

 Life in the Green Room:

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Momentum: Let's Go!

Ok, so..... I think my post of our 4 week results was misleading.  That was our cumulative results, not our results for that one week!  I wish we had lost 6 & 4 pounds each in one week!

Anyway, we need to get some momentum going in our favor!  We have been working really hard to plan for the week but we are so out of our routine.  Moving makes everything different.  (Extra work, extra coordinating, extra time for trips to the house, btw - where is our stuff!!!)

This week we are trying to get refocused so we can get some momentum going.

We have gone to the gym twice already & we are trying to make better food choices.

The key is to not allow every opportunity to turn into a cheat.  So when we forget to plan our lunch & we are moving all day, not hitting up fast food (places do sell salad & non fried items!).  Or when my work caters a lunch, not eating 6 pieces of pizza just because I cannot remember the last time I had pizza.  These things can really add up & lead to flat weeks even when we worked hard.

I have been feeling better when doing cardio so I can tell I my fitness level is increasing at least some & now I need to get the results to the bottom line!

What are your tricks to build momentum?
 Life in the Green Room: