Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Juicing Challenge has come to an End! Week 6 Wrap Up

Jackson and I are on a 6 week juicing challenge, and we just finished it!  We have learned a lot, drank a lot of juice and finished out our challenge strong (err… sort of!).  I’m spilling all the details here.
So much to say for week 6 that I don't even know where to start.  It was a pretty rough week!  We went away the weekend before (had an amazing time!) and were kind of bad with our food choices.  Instead of just leaving it at that, I went on to eat terrible the whole week.  I don't know how I let this happen!  I felt less energy this week than I have this whole time!  This was probably the biggest hurdle or slide back of the week.

Jackson was away on a business trip & I didn't juice - this was the plan, so that was ok.  What was not ok is that I reverted to my old habits of having a lot of nothing (& everything) for dinner.  One night I literally had cheese & crackers & ice cream for dinner.  I was exhausted that night & crashed into bed.  The next morning my stomach was making the worst grumbling ever…. (I can't imagine why!!!)

Then, on the 6th & final week of the challenge, I didn't have juice as a meal 5 days!  I completely fell apart.  My plan all week was Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday.  Friday night Jackson was not feeling juice & I completely forgot my goal.  I was like, sure we can go for dinner….  It wasn't until 9 o'clock at night that I realized that I just screwed up my goal on the last week!  I was so mad!!!  I don’t know how I let it get so carried away from me.  I complete lost my focus once I could see the end zone.  (like in college football, where the guy is so far from any other opponents that he dropped the ball on the one yard line while running into the end zone.  He literally doesn't get the touchdown b/c he started celebrating too soon!)  That’s kind of how I felt this week!

Ok – I need to let this go, I still had tons of juice & felt really great, so I’m trying to give myself a pass on the indiscretions of the final week J

We had planned a full day of juicing as a way to wrap up the challenge.  Bonus Juice!!  On the final Saturday we were going have 5 juices.  The rules were:  any other drinks were allowed, and  you could eat if you wanted to but only fruit and veggies, nothing else.  This was totally hard.  Felt good to round out the challenge in such a tough way!!  I personally was smooth sailing until about 4:30.  Then I started really craving food to chew.  I toughed it out & had all five juices though.  Jackson had a tough time the whole day.  He really wanted to eat and it was mentally stressing him out!  He told me he was planning to sneak some food while I was in the shower, but he accidentally fell asleep on the couch & missed his chance!  Then I went to bed at around 11.  He told me he was standing in front of the fridge, ready to eat.  Somehow (so proud!) he made the tougher choice, realizing he could just wait until breakfast to eat.  We both made it, but it was a really hard part of the challenge.   To be honest, I’d do it again.  I had a tedious day of chores and work to do, so I just made the juice work with that.  Next time, I may even try 2 days.  I think to really have a juice reboot you have to do 3 days.  Maybe someday, but I have some work to do to get to that point.

Overall results: 
·         My number one benefit was sleeping better – throughout the 6 weeks I almost never went to bed feeling overly full or gross.  
·         I had more energy!  Huge win for me.  I think between all of the nutrients and sleeping better I was able to get more done and feel better about myself
·         I was able to overcome some mental challenges.  That was the hardest part about juicing for me.

So where do we go from here?  I think we’ll keep juicing for a meal a few nights a week.  Maybe we’ll set up another juicing challenge in the future.   Let us know if you are thinking about juicing!

Life in the Green Room

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