Thursday, December 10, 2015

2015: Influencers of the Year!

I am jumping into a new tradition of identifying who has influenced me each year.  Since I’m starting in the middle of life, I have a ton of people who have been hugely influential to me up to this point that are getting left off.  Sorry!  I figured it was better to start somewhere! 

At the beginning of each year, it is like the start of a journey.  You really do not know who or what will be impactful in your life.  For 2015 I wanted to explore who was taking up my mind-share and explore who changed my behaviors and routines.  These are kind of unexpected, one I had not even heard of in 2014!  Without further delay, I’ll jump into the 4 people I selected that were very influential this year.

Influencer 1: Gretchen Ruben – author, happiness guru (my title for them, not theirs)

I had read a her book a few years ago called ‘The Happiness Project.’  The book dives into experiments and habits you can work on to make you happier by covering her 12 months of experiments.  I really loved this book, even though in my book club, someone commented, “I hate that rich bitch.”  Not me!  I love her ideas.  Anyway, I hadn’t been following her and this year she came back in a big way!  She now has a podcast called Happier with her sister.  I love it; I am now a faithful listener.  They discuss all kinds of things and have tips on happiness: Try –This-at-Homes, they have Demerits & Gold Stars.  Worth the listen!  Some of the snipets of what has been very influential for me this year are expressions like:
  • ‘Choose the Bigger Life’ – whatever that means to you
  • ‘If you can’t get out of it, get into it’ – I think everyone can think of a time when this has been appropriate advice.
  • ‘Pile of gold coins’ – this is in her books about each individual action may not matter, BUT each individual action piles up to be your habits.  So skipping that cupcake day after day will really get you towards your weight loss goal.

Influencer 2: Tony Robbins (personal-development guru that now gives financial advice)

I read this monster book by Tony Robbins called ‘Money: Master the Game.’  I have read several financial books before (mostly Suze Orman or Dave Ramsey) but it had been awhile so I wanted to dive in again.  This book went deep into all types of things you can be doing to set yourself up financially for the future, now!  The book was great and had some new concepts in there that I had not really considered before.  We have been taking some of the steps already and I’d love to dive deep into it again sometime in 2016.  Some of my favorites were:

  • Do not freeze & do nothing just b/c money seems overwhelming!!
  • Resources all through – he provided lots of tools to help you dive into sections of the book.  He also is very clear about where he is partial owner.  He really created ways to solve or help with money challenges, but he getting some of the money if you follow his recommendations.
  • Execution will trump knowledge every day of the week!
  • Concepts of multiple revenue streams, being smart about your taxes etc.

If your goal is to get more in tune with your finances in 2016, this could be worth a read!

Influencer 3: Amy Porterfield (online marketing and Facebook guru, podcaster)

I had not even heard of Amy Porterfield last year at this time.  As I started exploring starting a blog, I stumbled upon her work and I really love it.  Her weekly podcast is loaded with actionable tips.  Plus I really like her style of communicating.  She has tons of high value add content every week.  I faithfully listen to her podcast as well.  She’s also super transparent with some of the things she shares.  She talked about what has worked and failed in her business.  To me, she feels very relatable because of this.  Things I love from her:
  • Cheat sheets from her min-trainings/ podcasts
  • Learning about others influencers in the space
  • Introduction to Scrum – (project management concept)
  • Mapping out the plan, and then staying focused!

Influencer 4: Jackson (best guy around!)

I’ll keep my mushy notes brief here, but Jackson has been a great influence on me in the past year.  I have a tendency to get stressed pretty quickly and he has taken on an extra role of calming me down.  I am guessing he did not originally know he was signing up for that job.  Some of my favorites are:
  • Coaching me about having an appropriate reaction when I get upset over something dumb
  • Willingness to work on communication
  • Getting me to have tough conversations that I’d just as soon ignore

I’m so lucky to be entering 2016 knowing I’ll get to marry him!  He pushes me, teaches me, loves me, makes me better.  He wants to help me achieve my goals, before he even achieves his own.  I cannot say enough about the influence this has had on me in 2015.

So these are some of the key people who have influenced my thinking over the past year.  Who has impacted you this year?  And why?  Share with us!

What kind of influencers are you looking for in 2016?  I am excited to see who will influence my life in unexpected ways next year!  I like to see who emerges.  But maybe you should plan for it?  Seek out certain influencers in areas you are interested in.  Let me know!

Life in the Green Room

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