Friday morning I dragged Jackson to the gym & I went to the 6AM Les Mills body pump class. I have attended this class regularly earlier in the year. April got away from me & I did not attend the class since early April. After missing for only one month, I have lost it!!
I went really light on the weight b/c I knew I had missed a month. Still by the third song my legs (quads & IT bands) were completely quivering.
Saturday morning when I woke up I almost fell out of bed b/c my whole body was sore.
Sunday morning, I am doing better but my triceps are still totally sore.
I plan to take the class again this week, so hopefully I can work my way back up to being the 'good sore.' Good sore to me is you know you had a great workout, but you can still function :)
How do you measure sore??
Check out Life in the Green Room:

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