Saturday, August 29, 2015

Juicing Week 1: We Survived!

Last week I talked about all the juicing research I have done.  Now we are getting started!  We have devised a plan to allow us to ease into juicing.  To be honest, we were both a little scared.
Our goal for week 1 was to have juice for a meal 5 days out of the week.  We choose dinner b/c that fit into our pattern pretty easily.

For me juicing during week 1 was not all that bad and it was torturous all at the same time.  I’ll get into the gritty details here, but it was definitely a roller coaster!  I think the easiest way to document this is to just run through the various feelings / emotions/side effects we were having.

We were having a green juice for dinner & another juice shortly after (orange or red or purple).

  1. Our first reaction was an overall weirdness feeling.  This is really hard to explain but we felt super alert and little jittery or shaky – this was mostly just the first few days.  Thankfully we were juicing together so we could dialogue – “I feel, weird do you feel weird?”  “Yup, I feel totally weird”
  2. My second real issue was mental.  We were having juice for dinner.  I generally have a shake for breakfast, and I continued with this.  So, my only real opportunity to chew my calories was during lunch.  So I found myself behaving like a human vacuum.  I was trying to eat as much as I could and still function in the office.  I was aware I was doing this, but let it happen.  I am committed to the juicing and this was a way to really ease into it.  Plus, I was eating pretty terribly before.  I felt that even though eating a ton for lunch, it would still work out.  I can focus on reducing / managing lunch in a future week
  3. Cranky – I was definitely cranky.  There is no way to deny this.  I was kind of picking fights with Jackson.  Luckily he is amazing (and to be honest was also a little cranky too) but we know this might happen and worked through it.  As a side – I get cranky anyway so there is no real way to blame this solely on the juicing
  4. Headaches – I had a few minor headaches, but nothing really worth mentioning.  I am including this because Jackson had a few days when he had pounding headaches.  Boo!  There was no real cure we found.  He drank a ton of water, had a little diet soda, no real change.
  5. Poo! - I was terrified of juicing because I thought I’d be on the toilet.  This didn’t happen at all.  Maybe because we eased into it but I noticed not adverse poo side effects.  Jackson had one really tough day, but he sometimes has a sensitive stomach.  We also chose some tamer juices, so this could be why we didn’t have issues here.
  6. Hungry – I was rarely hungry.  On the 4th day when I woke up I was starving.  But that was it.  I assumed with juicing I’d have a rumbling stomach all the time – not so at all!
  7. Felt like torture and punishment.  In my mind I just wanted to be one of those girls who could eat whatever I want, as much as I wanted and still be healthy, fit, thin and feel good.  This isn’t asking for too much, is it??  I know people like this, they do exist, I just want to be one of them.  I had a really tough time, feeling like I was being punished for all of my previous bad behavior.  I had at least one meltdown about this.  I honestly think this is one of the reasons I have not seen really any results in the first three months.  Just wanting it is not enough.  And acknowledging that just because I juiced for 3 days I didn’t weigh significantly less.  So yeah, I was going to have to do this for a long time to see results.  But I don’t wanna!!  My inner-child is having a hard time working through this.  My logical side can acknowledge that it really hasn’t even been that hard!  I have not been hungry, I have not been sick etc.  I just miss chewing, but more than that I need to deal with me feeling like I am missing out. 
  8. Sleeping – both Jackson and I have noticed how amazing it is to go to bed without your stomach hurting.  We have slept better!  We woke up feeling better.  All good stuff!  I am kind of obsessed with energy.  Energy to accomplish your goals & do it with a smile! (I’m working on the do it with a smile part!)  If I sleep better this can become easier almost immediately!
  9. Heartburn – Jackson did have some issues with heartburn on several days.  Not sure what drove this, but several times he was feeling heartburn throughout the week. 

So after one week, we committed to keeping this up for at least 6 weeks with the goal of having it for one meal, 5 days.  After that, we’ll decide what’s next.  I’m excited to take on this 6 week challenge! 

Please share any juicing experiences you’ve had with us!

Life in the Green Room

Monday, August 24, 2015


Jackson and I recently watched the documentary: Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.  Jackson and I do not like the same TV at all (except football, Jeopardy and the home network).  So finding something on Netflix that we will both watch is a chore.  So enough about our serious First World Problems J
We settled on this documentary, and we have become slightly obsessed with the idea of juicing ever since.  We are thinking of slowly incorporating some juices into our lives or maybe even trying a short reboot program.  Since we have been talking about it incessantly, I have started to do a little research.  Below are the top blogs & articles I have found on juicing!

If you have ever juiced and have some good stories, recommendations, resources etc., let us know (leave a comment on the blog or on Facebook)! 

Tracee Sloan’s blog has tons of details on juicing: the benefits, what to buy, a cleanse program, a receipt builder etc.  My only challenge is her blog section; there are no dates, so it is not clear for me if this is still an active blog site.

This article was great b/c it was a quick list of common mistakes.  In reading it, I can say I would have probably made all of them.  So when we try juicing, I’ll be on the lookout!  The Foodbabe site has a lot of other articles including deep dives into benefits / risks of certain foods.

Comprehensive list of bloggers who are juice advocates.  These folks drink, breath, sleep juicing.  They have great stories and successes.   But most also take it very seriously and want to help people juice correctly and safely.  There was on blog post on Responsible juicing that I really like! It warned to proceed with caution and manage your juicing to maximize benefits.

This blog is Don’s personal story.  Great updates of his experience with juicing and the health benefits he experienced.  No updates for about a year though.

This blog has tips and tricks of juicing.  It has tons of details on how to get started and recipes etc.  Their ’10 Tips to Get the Most out of Juicing’ was great!

Cherie (self-proclaimed juice lady) is a nutritionist who has a personal story of restoring her health with juicing.  Lots of articles on juicing but also on other topics ranging from detox to aspartame. 

Fun, peppy site, but juicing is only a small portion she is more focused on wholesome living.

Life in the Green Room 

Monday, August 17, 2015

7 Strategies to Help with Snacking!

I wrote a post a few months ago about snacking.  It is a battle for me most of the time because I enjoy snacking so much!
I have been trying to develop some ways to prevent my mindless snacking.  It may feel good at the time, but for sure, regret is to follow.

Tip 1:  Bag of veggies
Don’t worry; I would never try to sell you on a bag of veggies being a real snack.  (Unless maybe you have some amazing dip!).  When I am on a snack attack, if I have assessed that I am truly not hungry and just want to eat, I will try this.  Tell myself: You can eat whatever snacks you want, you just have to eat a baggie of veggies first.  (I try to keep small baggies of veggies pre made in the fridge so I have no excuse!).  This does work, because I either a) decide I am not really hungry and don’t want to get through the veggies to eat the snack or b) eat the veggies and am much less hungry for the snack.  Even if I have the snack after the veggies, I eat less and I had a bag of veggies!!!

Tip 2:  Smart Pop (even if you eat way too much, it's not that bad!)
I love popcorn!  But not all popcorn is created equally.  I like smart pop because it is delicious and much better (in terms of calories and fat) than the white cheddar or movie butter varieties.  If you can contain yourself to the individual sized bags, even better!  Another popcorn tip I have is making my own popcorn; either on the stove or in a brown paperbag.  This is good too because then you really only have a snack when you are willing to work for it!

Tip 3: Nature Box Snacks
As a housewarming gift, we got this awesome subscription to monthly snacks!  We go to Nature Box and; pick several back of healthy snacks and they show up at our door a few days later.  This works well because it gets us to try some new things, they are healthier than regular bags of snacks (no high fructose corn syrup, no artificial flavors or colors etc.) and there are lots of options (no gluten, vegan, no soy etc.)

Tip 4: Drink A Full Glass Of Water First
Water is the best thing for everyone!  Something we hear over and over again.  If you drink a full glass of water before you snack, you will eat less snacks.  There is no risk or downside because even if it doesn’t reduce your consumption, at least you got in a glass of water!  If you get tired of water, try it with fruit or even a cucumber!

Tip 5: Try Some Kiddie Snacks (Like Applesauce or Jell-O!)
Sometimes I like to go back in time, especially when packing my lunches.  It can seem fun and a treat.  The benefit of eating snacks that are specifically targeted at kids is the portions are kid-sized!  And you can get most of them sugar free.  Examples I have all eaten in the past year: Applesauce, Jell-O, string cheese, celery and peanut butter, PBJ.  There are lots of choices here, so embrace your inner child!

Tip 6: Don't Bring It Into The House (Oldie But A Goodie!)
We implement this in waves.  Sometimes we are rock stars about no snacks and then (seemingly out of nowhere!) we’ll have a house full of snacks.  The tried and true tips about not shopping on an empty stomach, sticking to your list and avoiding all together the snack aisles can really help.

Tip 7: If you have to buy snacks (literally cannot help yourself!) try buying some things that are not your favorite.
Maybe some people are better, but when my favorite snacks (I’m looking at you cheese puffs and Doritos) are in the house I have no chance!  I will eat a ½ of a bag in the blink of an eye.  I wish I was joking here.  So having those around is danger danger!  If we buy some things that I’ll eat, but are not my favorites, I am in a much better position to actually snack like a human (vs. a vacuum).    

What have you found that helps you snack less, or snack better???  Let’s work on this together!!

Life in the Green Room

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Having Trouble with your Fruit & Veggie Count? Try these 5 tips!

I sometimes have trouble eating as many fruits & veggies as I would like.  And sometimes it really feels like a chore!  And for some reason I am afraid of V8, so I am looking for other ways to squeeze in more fruits & veggies.  Outside of the most starchy veggies (like potatoes & corn) I feel the more fruits & veggies the better!

Here are a few things that have helped me keep my intake up!  What are your tricks for sneaking in more fruits & veggies?

Sneaking Fruit into a smoothie!  I have these 3 – 4 times a week for breakfast
Taking Fruit as a snack at work.  I try to keep up with what is seasonal so I don’t get burned out of the same fruits (& they are fresher in season!)

Eating veggies before you start your lunch.  I have been taking a small baggie of veggies & I eat them before I start my lunch!

Speaking of lunch – I try to sneak more veggies than normal into my lunch!  This one is really that simple!

Grill them!  They are so delicious, this one is not even a chore!

Life in the Green Room

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Wasting Food!

Wasting Food!
I have to admit, we have been trying to do better at the grocery store.  It is not easy!  But the major thing I am upset about is how much food we are wasting.  I think it is a combination of making too many meals in one week, not eating our leftovers when we should, over estimating how much food we can eat before it spoils etc.  Either way, I was sickened by how much food we threw away yesterday.  I don' t even want to guess how much money it was.

We have been buying some food at Sam's or Costco b/c the prices are good.  This has resulted in some waste, but my gut feel is this is not the biggest driver. 

Any good tips on eating healthy & not wasting food?  I really don't mind spending money on healthy food.  I do really mind throwing that money away a week & a half later.

Life in the Green Room