Monday, September 7, 2015

Juicing Week 2:

So I’m jumping right in!  We have been finding our groove with the juicing thing!
Week 1 we met our goal to have juices 5 days a week for one meal!  Wahoo, we are on a roll now, only 5 more weeks to go!  I had my 2 days off (no juice meals) on Friday & Saturday.  Believe it or not, I was actually looking forward to getting back to having juice as a meal on Sunday.  It was making me feel better!

My challenge for week 2: Have Juice for a meal for 5 days + exercise 2.5 hrs.  We have also modified our behavior and are having 1 juice for dinner (vs. 2).  As we start to eat more sensible lunches, we may move back to 2 juices at night, especially if we need the calories.

I am excited to say, I was able to hit this as well.  I still had a fairly loose policy about eating whatever I wanted for lunch.  I am hoping to build up over time to eat something normal (in terms of healthiness and portion size) for lunch while having juice for dinner.  I am trying not to beat myself up though and I’m trying to let my body get adjusted to juicing slowly!

So my week 2 finding for juicing:
Anger – this was my absolute major challenge during week 2.  I was not hungry, but I was angry.  I am still having major anger issues about juicing & dieting in general.  I am trying to figure out why I feel so furious that I have to tackle and try to lose weight.  I really just want to be fit, healthy, thin, in shape etc while eating whatever I want (don’t we all!).  I feel like I am being punished to have to focus on my health & even more punished that I have to juice & cannot even eat real food.  This was the most pronounced anger after I ate the worst lunch of all time - I had a patty melt, fries, coke & a cookie - literally I couldn’t have made a worse choice in the cafeteria.  Then, when I went home I was furious (not hungry) that I have to watch what I eat at all….

I want to be healthy, but I seem to behave in ways that are not consistent with this.  And then I get angry about it.  This is really not fair because no one is making me eat anything!  I just think that wanting it bad enough should be enough!  I have really developed a negative attitude about it.  This is something I really hope to work on over the coming weeks.  Jackson has some great coaching on it.  (Although, if I’m totally honest, I do not always appreciate his coaching when I’m angry!  Ha!)  I have such a negative talk about health and food.  Example: I don’t want to be tired or sluggish.  I don’t want to worry about what I eat. I hate that my clothes don’t fit etc. etc. etc.  His point is to at least talk about it from what I do want.  Reference how I want to feel, what I want to do etc.  I can argue that this is petty, but I know it’s the right approach.  I’ve read too many books that talk about how you talk to yourself filters into you actions in your subconscious.  I can’t afford for my subconscious to be against me!

I am really looking for a way to take control of my health once and for all!  No more yo-yos!  In order to do this, I think I’m gonna really have to get inside my head (a scary place!).  I’m gonna have to finally understand why I have such a messed up relationship with food and sort this shit out!
I know what foods are good for me and what foods are not.  I also know a shake from a fast food restaurant can have 1,000 calories.    I can always learn more about nutrition and I want to keep getting smarter here, but I think the bulk of my learning needs to be internally vs. externally focused.  I have a lot of 'opportunities' (code word: work) to do here!

So, please don’t let this scare you away from juicing if it is something you are interested in.  I was not angry for a week straight (I promise!) but it is something that I must take on to make progress!  It was the most pronounced negative feeling about juicing that I had during week 2.  

Life in the Green Room

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