Sunday, September 13, 2015

What Type of Eater Are You? And Why you Should Care

Abstainer vs. Moderator?  Which are you? (& who cares?).  Trying to understand triggers a little more is helpful to purposefully making changes in your eating habits.

I am an abstainer through and through!  When people say, only eat when you are hungry, how do you react?  To me, this is completely impractical advise (almost insulting!).  It feels like advice that in no way relates to me.  Its like saying 'don't check your phone' when you are waiting for the new guy you're dating to text you.  Not.. gonna.. happen...  

Recently I was listening to a podcast called Happier by Gretchen Ruben and she was reviewing the concept of Abstainers vs. Moderators.  The moderators are the lucky ones that can truly one eat when they are hungry or can only eat a 1/2 bag of M&Ms or 4 crackers.  (I guess I assume they are lucky because it is so far from my world!)  1/2 bag of M&Ms, please, I'll take 2 bags!  

Abstainers are the ones who cannot have it in the house...anywhere…. Or they will find it & eat it.  (This is totally me!)  Anyway the podcast was talking about coming up with resolutions when you have Abstainers and Moderators living in the same house and what will allow both to be successful.  I discussed this with Jackson.  We are definitely both abstainers, but the challenge is some of our food triggers are different.  I cannot have most chips or salty snacks in the house, he cannot have any sweets around.  So, we have landed on having neither.  

It sucks sometimes, but it is getting us to eat slightly healthier snacks.  Step in the right direction!  Are you an abstainer or a moderator?

Life in the Green Room

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