Thursday, September 3, 2015

Love & Hate this Article.... You??

I read this article and I had completely mixed emotions!
I am dying to know where other people weigh in!

The gist is: Do whatever you want!  And don't worry about what other people think! (& no one really gets to take these serene pics in the article!)

One one hand, I can totally get behind the second part, if you are able to let go of what others think, you can actually focus on yourself and your relationships and really lead the life you want.  LOVE IT!

On the other hand, I really cannot get behind the Do Whatever You Want part of the message!  It talks about making it your life, do what you want.  Sounds great, but the examples are like, if you want a cheeseburger have one!  If I'm honest, doing whatever I want is how I ended up here.  (Here, being a place where I'm I really need to work a LOT on my health).

For me there has to be some middle ground to be happy and healthy.  When I hear 'Do Whatever You Want', I hear (interpret): Free for all!  Calories Don't Count!  This will not go to your hips!  This will not make you tired later etc. etc.

So I'll continue I'll focus on 'Doing Whatever I Want' in terms that work for me!

Life in the Green Room

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