Friday, May 29, 2015

Ugh - It's Hard!

This is kind of a whiny post (not wine-y), so please bear with me.

Someday's I just wish I was naturally thin and in shape.  It is hard work trying to plan & manage your food!  It is so much easier to just eat whatever is available & whatever you feel like.
I think that is my internal roadblock with food.  I have to be so intentional to eat healthy.  For me, it does not happen automatically or naturally.
This means sometimes I feel cranky about it (like right now!).
I want to stop thinking about it & just let life happen.  I know what happens when I do this, so I have to keep fighting, even when I really don't want to, to make good choices.

I think what is harder for me than feeling cranky about trying to manage my food is how I feel when I do not.  I get so frustrated with myself & I feel terrible.  If I overeat or make bad choices or whatever, I feel physically bad & mentally I beat myself up.

Sometimes there is no winning!

So I will try to be less cranky about managing my food b/c I know if I do  not, the second part of the emotional roller coaster is worse!

I will continue to work through this!
What is the hardest thing about being healthy for you?

Life in the Green Room

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